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For example, a report in the ‘Jounal da Bahia’ newspaper on the 12th July 1977 would report that “a flying object emitting strong light” was “sucking blood” from the population.

One thing for certain, though, the military group would approach the unfolding events with the utmost seriousness.

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On the evening of 18th October 1977, Claudomira Paixao would witness the apparent Chupa-Chupa herself. However, what made her encounter stand out from the plethora of the verifique aqui region was her claim to witness occupants inside the craft.

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Many of the sightings in this location and during these last weeks of August and early September would meet tragic ends. At least according to local reports.

A magnificent city planning in buying property somewhere near Colares. We drove up the coast and went into all the small little towns.

Even stranger, these marks were three small circles in a triangular shape. She would later state, upon looking at the burn marks that “it was hot, and it hurt. It was like a needle stick”.

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We have examined one of the sightings of the Colares Island incidents briefly before – the bizarre encounter of Benedito Campos And Silvia Marie from late-October 1977 – so we will not go into it in depth here other than to briefly mention the specifics of the incident as it would prove to be typical of many of the encounters that would take place. That evening, late on the 29th October, as the husband and his pregnant wife relaxed in their living room, following the sudden arrival of a disc-like craft outside of their window, a green laser surged through the window and paralyzing the pair.

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